Beyonce Renaissance Album Cover, The cover is reminiscent of the African American history books that children used to read in school.

These books often portrayed pictures of African Americans in a negative light, with dark skin andHUDs. The purpose of the album cover is to invoke a similar feeling in the viewer.

Beyonce is wearing all black to represent the oppressed black community, and the phrase "September resurrection" is written on her chest, to represent the perseverance of the black community.

The image is intentionally grainy to show the negative portrayal of African Americans in the media. The intention is to make the viewer question their own eyesight.

She has always been an advocate for feminism and the unification of people. The album cover reflects this lyric. The image of Beyonce is shown in an all-black outfit.

Beyonce's latest album, Lemonade, has reignited the controversy surrounding her past. One of the songs on the album is "Formation," which features a Confederate flag photo.

Beyonce's latest album, Lemonade, has reignited the controversy surrounding her past. One of the songs on the album is "Formation," which features a Confederate flag photo.