Michael Lavaughn Robinson

Robinson was born in1902 in Lynchburg, Virginia. His family lived in a poor Virginia town. 


Michael Lavaughn Real?

The question that was on everybody’s lips since the inception of Facebook was, “Is Michael Lavaughn Robinson real?“ 


is it the imaginary story?

Truth about Michael Lavaughn Robinson isn’t that he doesn’t exist, and yet some folks on Facebook alleged, 


Michael Lavaughn Robinson

Robinson was born in1902 in Lynchburg, Virginia. His family lived in a poor Virginia town. 


Michael Lavaughn Robinson

There are plenty of theories circulating around the internet, both as to why Michelle Obama might have used a fake name, 


Michael Lavaughn Robinson

There are two theories circulating about the origin of the name, and these are that she might have gone by the middle name 


Michael Lavaughn Robinson

or that her middle name was just another way of stating her first name like Michelle Obama was “Michelle Obama Jones” on her school records.  

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