Is Michelle Obama Trans? You Don’t Believe, Just Get It Checked

There has been a lot of confusion about whether Michelle Obama is trans. Some claim she is, while others believe she is not. There is no hard evidence that shows she is trans. However, one recent Facebook post has revived the gender-focused rumours. This falsehood was first circulating online several years ago and has been repeatedly promoted by a few media.

One of the most common conspiracy theories is that Michelle Obama is trans. While the claims are not based on any evidence, the underlying argument is based on Michelle Obama’s physical appearance. Some articles feature photos of Michelle Obama taken during the Democratic Party Convention on August 25, 2008. In the speech, she did not look male. This is one of the strongest arguments against transgender claims.

The disinformation about Obama’s gender identity began to spread when a transgender man named Andrew McCarthy released a video claiming that she is transgender. The video was accompanied by photos, videos, and analyses by McCarthy. It was widely circulated and even made it into the “Guardian” review of fake news.

Stereotypes about transgender women are both obvious and vicious. One of the most virulent is the idea that black women are naturally non-feminine, and that transgender women are “manly.” Another is that black women are seen as tough and self-reliant.

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