Who Is Franco Escamilla

Bullseye – A Story About Everything That Can Go Wrong In The Modern World

cancelling a planned film in Miami because of a local law banning open carry has prompted outrage in Miami Dade County and the state of Florida. The cancellation came just days before the film was scheduled to begin. The reason for the cancellation is the fact that the film is supposed to start at the Miami International Film Festival. Due to the controversy, the film is now scheduled for May.

Let Us Know All About Franco Escamilla

Franco Escamilla

Franco Escamilla, originally scheduled to perform at the Microsoft Theater on February 26th, has now been rescheduled for July 6, 2021, due to an abundance of precautionary measures surrounding CO Vid 19. The Spanish word “cuauta” means poison and this is what the producers called their new movie. I’m pretty sure that if they were presenting something with poison in it, they wouldn’t be calling it a comedy.

The plot revolves around two brothers, Boletos (Elvia Salazar, Left Banker) and Paco (Jorge Padilla, La Familia) who own a small shop in the slums of New York City. Boletos is a hustler and has a huge drug collection. Paco is a petty thief who never seems to get caught. One day, while trying to pick up his brother, Paco gets busted by federal agents. As punishment, he is forced to work for the corrupt Mayor of New York City (Glen Campbell), but when he gets captured, Boletos is then given the chance to get out of jail by turning himself into a masked vigilante, which he promptly does. His newfound freedom allows him to pursue his brother’s former associates, capture the Mayor and free New York from New York State’s control once and for all.

Since taking up the mask of El Comado, the greatest Spanish speaking comedian in the world has been tasked with performing in front of millions of people worldwide. This means having to stage, act, plan, prepare, perform, make a show, put on a show and take part in one of the most famous gigs in the world – the Closing Night show on CBS. But the opportunity is not enough as El Comado has to score over his nemeses in a TV series, the most-watched comedy in America – Everybody Loves Raymond, also starring Carol Burnett and Michael Caine. To add insult to injury, theSN1 showrunner, Jennifer Lopez, is starring as well!

The TV show itself is a mixture of slapstick comedy and sentimental comedy. It is a surreal soap opera that revolves around a married couple whose romance goes sour. The dual soap opera style of treatment of the characters as well as their conflicts add the spice that makes the show very entertaining. The entire cast, most of whom are the best known Spanish speaking comic performers in the country, have been rewarded with some excellent TV opportunities. In terms of the film, the real star of the show, chef Antonio Banderas returns to lend his name to the title, while Emilio Castillo takes over as director/writer. 

All the major stars are involved in the making of the film – except for Jose Calida (Valerianco), who is busy promoting his movie “Sicario” instead.

The film itself is an emotional roller coaster that showcases a few stand-out scenes that work hard to bring life to what could otherwise be a rather dry storyline. The closing credits, featuring the score from the film, is perhaps the icing on the cake. The real strength of “Bullseye” comes from watching Frano Escamilla takes his dream job and transforms it into something much more than he ever could have imagined. No matter how small or insignificant your job may be, watching it blow up in front of you is something that you will never forget. In short, Bullseye is about everything that can go wrong in the modern world, and the importance of taking each and every opportunity that presents itself.

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