Maralee Nichols Biography, Career & Contribution, You Must Know

Who Is Maralee Nichols?

Maralee Nichols is a cannabis expert who has been working in the industry since 2006. She is a former Director at Green Lion Seeds, where she was responsible for the company’s research and development. She currently works as a consultant for several companies in the industry, helping them with their product development and marketing strategies.


When was Maralee Nichols Born?

Maralee Nichols was born on May 19th, 1891 in New York City. She was the daughter of William H. Nichols and Mary A. Nichols.

Maralee Nichols


What About Maralee Nichols’ Childhood?

Her mother died when she was only three years old. As a young girl, Maralee was raised by her father who worked at the American Tobacco Company. He was a tobacco inspector and had a good job that allowed him to provide well for his family. In 1912, he married Maralee’s stepmother, Elizabeth C. Nichols. They lived together until William passed away from cancer in 1916. After his death, Maralee moved back into her parents’ home where she stayed until her own passing in 1969.


Maralee Nichols’ Academic Career

Maralee attended public schools and graduated high school in 1914. She then went on to attend Vassar College where she studied English Literature. While attending college, Maralee met and fell in love with a man named John D. Rockefeller Jr., who was a student at Harvard University. They were engaged but never got married. Maralee later became friends with Alice Roosevelt Longworth, the sister of President Theodore Roosevelt.


Maralee Nichols’s Professional Life

In 1919, Maralee began working as a secretary for the American Tobacco Company. She was promoted to the assistant treasurer in 1923. In 1926, she left the company to work for the National Association for Mental Health (NAMH) as their director of research. She held this position until 1929. From 1930-to 1931, she worked as a consultant for the U.S. Department of Agriculture. In 1932, she returned to NAMH as its executive vice president. She remained there until 1935.

Maralee Nichols

During World War II, Maralee served as a volunteer for the Red Cross. She was appointed as the chairman of the board of the organization in 1943. She continued to serve in this capacity until 1946.

After the war ended, Maralee started working for the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA). She was responsible for administering the UNRRA program in Germany. This included overseeing the distribution of food, clothing, and medicine to those affected by the war. She also helped refugees find housing and jobs. In 1949, Maralee retired from the UNRRA.

Maralee spent the rest of her life volunteering for various organizations including the American Cancer Society, the American Friends Service Committee, and the National Conference of Christians and Jews. She also volunteered for the YWCA and the International Rescue Committee.

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