Can You Get Workers’ Compensation for a Work-From-Home Injury?

work from home

If the coronavirus pandemic taught us something, there are many benefits to working from home. Example: No commuting, well-balanced work and life, less distracting (goodbye, compulsory birthday party). But are you protected by the Workers’ Accident Compensation Act while working from home?

Workers’ accident compensation applies to workers in remote areas

Workers’ Accident Compensation covers accidents and injuries in the workplace. However, the law extends to injured workers doing remote work if it occurs within the scope of employment. Therefore, if you work from home from your home office, you are entitled to workers’ accident compensation benefits for occupational accidents, even if your “workplace” is your home office.

for example, Verizon employees working from home receive workers’ accident compensation When she goes down the stairs. She drank juice and received her work-related phone call. Feeling her urgency, she went downstairs, fell and injured her head and neck. A Pennsylvania court found that it was in the process of her employment because she was talking to her boss on the phone at the time of the accident.

In Oregon Interior designer insisted on workers’ accident compensation for stumbling on her dog While moving a sample of dough from her garage. She only went to the design studio once a week, so she kept a sample of her fabric and carpet in the garage and took it home to her customer. In the process of her hiring, she had to move samples in and out of the garage to the van. The court found that because she was a remote worker, her home environment became her work environment and therefore there was a legitimate claim for workers’ accident compensation benefits.

What is workers’ accident compensation insurance?

Workers’ accident compensation insurance is the insurance that most employers must have for their employees. State law stipulates when an employer needs workers’ accident compensation insurance.

If you work in an eligible profession and are injured or have an occupational accident, you can receive occupational accident compensation for income substitution and compensation for medical and rehabilitation costs. An important factor is that injuries must arise from the process of employment. Therefore, in the above case, if the interior designer rushes into the garage to change the laundry, she will not make a claim.

General Workers’ Accident Compensation Claims for Remote Employees

Working at home may seem relatively safe. However, remote workers have workplace-related injuries. for example,

  • Sliding down
  • Back and neck injuries (due to poor posture)
  • Repetitive strain injury such as carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Directions to clients, work meetings, car accidents during delivery
  • Mental stress

You can reduce the risk of personal injury by inspecting your work area for danger and using ergonomic chairs and office equipment. Your employer may help make your home office a safe working environment.

If the employer is not responsible for workers’ accident compensation

The employer may not be liable for the worker’s claim for compensation. As an example, you may have injured yourself, got drunk, or uplifted at work. Therefore, if a Verizon employee adds vodka to her juice, her worker’s claim may not be valid.

In addition, workers’ accident compensation does not cover specific occupations:

Current, OSHA The employer does not need to inspect the employee’s home for occupational accidents. It also does not hold the employer responsible for the condition of the employee’s home office.

What to do if you get injured while working from home

If you get a work injury while working from home

  • Get treatment right away
  • Record your injury and the cause of the injury
  • Notify your manager, talent department, or employer
  • If you need assistance in filing a Workers’ Accident Compensation Claim, please contact a Workers’ Accident Compensation Attorney.

because More people are working from home than ever beforeWorkers’ Accident Compensation needs to be available to more remote employees if they are at work. If it is you, follow the steps above to make sure you are in the best position to receive the benefits you may be eligible for.

You don’t have to solve this yourself – with the help of a lawyer

Meeting a lawyer can help you understand your options and how to best protect your rights.Please see us Lawyer directory To find a lawyer near you to help.

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